

Doping Issues in Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors

Exeter, United Kingdom
21-23 March 2001

Booth abstract

Thomas Swan

B. Marheineke, E. J. Thrush, J. T. Mullins

Thomas Swan Scientific Equipment Ltd, Buckingway Business Park, Cambridge CB4 5UG, UK

Thomas Swan is the leading supplier of vertical MOCVD reactor technology. Based on the close-coupled showerhead (CCS) concept for the growth of InP, GaAs and GaN based materials we offer MOCVD equipment for both R&D and production environments. CCS-MOCVD reactors are available with capacity of 1x2", 3x2", 6(7)x2" and 19x2" or equivalents of other wafer sizes. Peripheral products include the Epison reagent concentration monitor and waste gas scrubbing systems.